Sunday, December 29, 2019

Elmina Corporation Case Study - 1237 Words

Introduction Elmina Corporation is a $25 million-dollar data collection and analysis company that has been in business for less than two years. With expected growth by over 60% in the next eighteen months, the company is looking for ways to leverage the collected data but wants to ensure that the information technology (IT) infrastructure will support the expected growth that the company is anticipating. The information technology will have to be redesigned to support the growth. With a limited technology infrastructure to back the expected growth, all its IT must be redesigned for support. The solution must be implemented in either a hosted solution, on-site solution, or a hybrid model. Various technologies and partners are to be†¦show more content†¦The goal is to encourage specific products to those customers most likely to acquire them, and to determine which products a specific customer is most likely to buy. This helps to raise the percentage of revenue to marketing costs. A description of current outsourcing and offshoring activities. Offshoring web analytics is the current trend in outsourcing. Outsourcing web analytics is possible since it’s websites, the website’s popularity and business performance are intertwined. Outsourcing web analytics can be done ways, offsite and onsite web analytics. Most American companies are choosing to offshore to India due to it being an English speaking, as well as it’s cheap labor (Singh, 2012). Offsite analytics allows you to analyze and quantify web activities. Since the data needed for web analytics are created online, thus analysis can be conducted from any location. Hence, clients that decide to send web analytics jobs pick low cost outsourcing destinations, as the raw data can be transferred swiftly to any location through email or File Transfer Protocol (FTP). When a client opts to outsource web analytics, various measures that ensure the level of security that a client needs are adopted. Varied levels of security can be applied at both hardware and software levels, utilizing firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), intrusion prevention systems, along with many more. The outsourcing team can have a small team working from the client’sShow MoreRelatedMergers and Acquisitions in Ghana20927 Words   |  84 Pagesrelatively new in the country, mergers and acquisitions are not well understood in Ghana. This study examines the impact of mergers and acquisitions on the acquiring company’s corporate financial performance, within the Ghanaian economy, using Guinness Ghana Breweries Limited as case study. The issue was investigated using performance measure based on the company’s annual reports. The results of the study show that the accounting performance declined after the merger. There has being a downwardRead MorePatient Family Care Study on Ovarian Cyst at Crh - Cape Coast15920 Words   |  64 Pages| THREE | PHARMACOLOGY OF DRUGS | | | | | FOUR | NURSING CARE PLAN | | | | | FIVE | AMENDMENT OF CARE PLAN | | PREFACE The patient/family care study is a written document of the nursing care rendered to patient/family from the day of admission throughout his/her stay in the hospital and after discharge. This study adapts the concept of the nursing process approach in managing patient/family health problems. With particular focus on independent nursing care interventions and the

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Issue of Advocacy in the Human Services Field An...

Society is built on cooperation and helping those in need. Advocacy is a means for people of a community to help one another through selfless service and sacrifice. The purpose of this essay is to address the issue of advocacy in the human services field as it pertains to a special needs population. The special needs population that this essay will focus on is the elderly population. I will define advocacy as it pertains to this branch of service before describing the evolution of this idea in the human services field. I will then focus on how advocates can help solve problems facing the elderly population by submitting a simple action plan that can assist with this specific problem. According to the Advocacy Resource Exchange advocacy is taking action to help people say what they want, secure their rights, represent their interests and obtain the services they need. In simpler terms an advocate is someone who can help someone else. Advocacy has a method of assistance began in the 1 950s and gained momentum in the 1960s. The ARX claimed that advocacy as provided by todays independent advocacy organizations, evolved from the Citizen Advocacy movement in the United States and Canada in the mid 1960s which stemmed from Bengt Nirge, Wolf Wolfensbergers and John OBriens work on normalization. This has been acknowledged by supporters and critics alike as fundamental to advocacy development in a number of countries, most notably the USA, Canada, Australasia, and theShow MoreRelatedMy Views On Social Justice1060 Words   |  5 PagesAmerican female in the US Army I faced many social injustices, which led me to social work. Social workers challenge social injustice such as oppression, discrimination, and exploitation. Social workers engage in advocacy and strive to disseminate information, form and provide service, and help people access resources no matter their sex, race, religion, or socioeconomic status. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Information Flow Free Essays

There are many elements that aid an organization in being successful, however one of the key elements is Information flow. In my Journal Entry I will be describing the levels of communication, both good and bad, that are found within Johnson Matthey, my current employer. I will discuss the three main managerial approaches within my company that I have observed, and the three potential communication barriers as well. We will write a custom essay sample on Information Flow or any similar topic only for you Order Now The intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, organizational and intercultural levels of communications are all on display amongst the coworkers of Johnson Matthey. There are multiple levels within the headquarters, located in Wayne, PA. They are all providing the same product for the Oil and Gas Industry. Each level contains up to 45 employees depending on the department. Interpersonal communication is continuously conducted within each group so that nothing ever falls between the cracks. Individuals are always communicating with themselves due to the constant changes in materials needed, which requires them to be able to adapt to change quickly. The workforce here is largely diverse, mostly all men with degrees in The Sciences, but various backgrounds and educational levels. We all work in groups, each department is tied to the next, therefore requiring tight nit and close communication. Every department is essentially like its own â€Å"clique†, everyone talks about the next department, and it’s kind of like lunch time in the cafeteria during high school. Depending on your department you can be looked at as a friend or an enemy, sadly in my line of work, it’s very hard to find people who support you and back you up unless they are in your department. The woman here are very jealous of each other, they don’t like to be outshined, especially by newbies or those of us who are younger. This kind of behavior can put a major dent on communication skills. Mostly to spite someone, but that’s still not a responsible way to handle any situation. Information travels generally in one direction from our customer (various Oil and Gas clients) to us. There are occasions when we have a little say so in the actual product but for the most part it is a one-sided show. We have our Regional Manager Andrew, our Offshore Manager Jim and our Operations Manager Roy. The way it starts is, the job comes into Andy, he determines if it is an Onshore or Offshore project. If it is determined to be offshore, it goes to Jim, he works out the schematics of personnel with Chris and myself. Any budget questions, equipment needs etc. have to be cleared by me and then run over by Roy for final approval. The channel used is generally email from the client to one of the site managers. The feedback comes once the work is complete and as long as we get a top notch report, then we get a good â€Å"pat on the back† from upper management, and we move on to the next project. The functions of Y Hierarchy of managerial communications do exist within this organization. Our manager is continuously creating and encouraging a wonderful work environment and providing opportunities for employees to take the initiative and self-direction. Management is always looking for new ways for employees to make significant contributions within the organization. Behavioral, empowerment, and contingency are the three managerial communication approaches that I have observed within the organization that I currently work for. Empowerment is the distribution or entrustment of power or authority to his or hers subordinates within an organization. Generally used when upper management is out of work for certain amount of time. Empowerment also encourages the employees to get more involved with the organization. The contingency approach is seen a lot in our office. Our Operations Manager knows that there is more than one way to get an â€Å"A+† on our work, and whichever way produces the best result with the least amount of money and time spent, is generally the path that is taken. This is probably the approach seen mostly around the Johnson Matthey organization because of the results that are produced. Behavioral approach comes with trust and one’s individual character. Managers have been seen trusting and respecting the employees more now than ever due the production that each department has put out for our clients. Personality, emotional, and physical are the three potential barriers to effective communication within not just Johnson Matthey, but most organizations. Everyone here has their own personality and that can sometimes create an issue throughout the business day. Individuals are loaded with many traits that create personal attitudes, approaches, angles, quirks and different views on the world, and how to handle various situations. There are many occasions in which this trait has stalled communication between two individuals and in some case hurt the overall job being done. Emotional barriers can by far be the worst thing out there, in terms of communication in a company. There are many individuals in my organization that let things go straight to their heads and forget that we are at the workplace. Emotions should not be brought to work with you at all, you should be able to brush things off and move on with the job. Especially personal conflicts and personal issues. Your office and your coworkers are not the place to be dealing with those kinds of things. Managers are often seen using a softer touch to get through to the individuals with emotional issues. Physical barriers are one of the most common around my office though. There are many occasions that we are working with a wall between co-workers and with communication being the key to our success problem will generally arise on occasions. We have made complaints on many occasions with the same results â€Å"deal with it†. How to cite Information Flow, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Ch.7 The Empires of Persia free essay sample

Chapter Questions: Answer on your own paper. 1. Why does the book say that Darius was more important as an administrator than as a conqueror? Darius built a new capital at Persepolis Center of a sophisticated bureaucratic state Created the Twenty-three satrapies(governors) Created weights and Measurements One central Coinage (Currency) and standardized taxation He had tolerance: Spies to check every level of govt 2. How did Darius organize his empire politically – how did he govern, what were the levels of government in the empire? Set up an efficient administration of twenty-three satrapies (provinces) Created a fine balance between central and local control( Satraps, Spies Provincial rulers, satraps Constrained by the presence of imperial troops and tax collectors While traveling bureaucrats also monitored their actions Taxes, Coinage 3. What systems did Darius establish to rule such a large empire? 23 Satrapies (provinces) that created a fine balance between central local control Taxes and soldiers Traveling Bureaucrats Centralized Coinage, Unified taxes, (Common weights and measurements) -Postal Systems 4. In what ways did Darius, and his successors, promote communication and commerce throughout the empire? They created the Persian Royal Road stretched for 1600 miles from the Aegean Sea to Iran. -It provided communication w/ large parts of the empire. Used uniform taxes which allowed every Satrap to collect Darius had bureaucrats who monitored their actions Coinage- This was to unify the entire empire Bureaucrats- They monitored the tax collectors Postal Stations 6. How did the Parthians come to control the Persian Empire? Power of Parthian was heavy cavalry Mithradates I established a empire through conquests from 171-155 B.C.E. Parthian government followed the example of Achaemenid administration Conquered Seleuds 7. What was the role of the imperial bureaucrats in Persian society? How did they fit in with the other social classes? Imperial administration called for educated bureaucrats Shared power and influence with warriors and clan leaders(fell under the warrior class) Administrators, tax collectors, record keepers, and translators 8. What agricultural technologies and techniques did the Persians use to produce the large surpluses they needed to feed their huge population of nonfood producers? The Persians came up w/ underground irrig. Canals (Qanats) does not evaporate It makes its way to the crops. Extensive road building -Persian Royal Road -Courier Service 9. The Persian Empires were noted for being part of a trade route critical to the economy of the classical world. What did the rulers do to facilitate trade? They: Used long-distance trade Imported products from India Their lands were fertile Persian elites considered trade to be a profession of lies and deceit Most Persian communities and estates were self-sufficient Local merchants and traders continued to deal with trade along key routes: -Silk Road (East) -Trans-Arabian (West) -Red Sea Maritime Trade (West) -Mediterranean Coastal Trade (Northwest) 10. What were the basic teachings of Zoroastrianism? Why is it considered a highly moralistic religion? How did Zoroastrianism influence other religions? Ahura Mazda super deity with 6 lesser deities There was a cosmic conflict between Ahura Mazda and ANgra Mainyu Heavenly paradise and hellish realm as reward and punishment Saw the material world as a blessing. The moral formula was good words, good thoughts, and good deeds. Influenced the Jewish religion (belief in future reward and punishment); Christianity (concepts of heaven and hell Moral formula Good deeds, Good Words, and Good thoughts Islamic conquerors toppled the Sasanid empire, seventh century C.E. Some Zoroastrians fled to India (Parsis) Most Zoroastrians in Persia converted to Islam Some Zoroastrians still exist in modern-day Iran 11. The authors refer to the Persian Empires as cosmopolitan. What does this mean? In what ways did the rulers promote this cosmopolitanism? Fashion and Art—ethnically diverse Broad culture Persian arts, or Iranian arts is one of the richest art heritages in world history and encompasses many disciplines including architecture, painting, weaving, pottery, calligraphy, metalworking and stonemasonry. There is also a very vibrant Iranian modern and contemporary art scene. 12. The authors suggest that classical societies were more complex and more sophisticated than the early societies discussed in part. What evidence do you see of this in the development of the Persian Empires? Classical Civilizations: (1000 BCE 600 CE) Change political centers Improve technology Establish more elaborate philosophical and religious traditions Expand science and math Methods for territorial expansion; Embraced diverse group of people Integrated aspects of their institutions and traditions Each civilization operated separately despite contacts with each other Sophisticated internal organization Roads for better internal trade and travel Early Civilizations: o Complex governments o Cities o Writing o Religion o Job Specialization o Identity(difference from other civilizations) Expansion – Change political centers – Improve technology – Establish more elaborate philosophical and religious traditions – Expand science and math – Set up methods for territorial expansion and embraced a diverse group of people – Integrated aspects of their institutions and traditions – Each civilization operated separately despite contacts with each other †¢ Greece ïÆ'ŸïÆ'   India†”Alexander the Great †¢ Rome ïÆ'ŸïÆ'  China—Silk Road 13. Why did the Persian Empire fall? Failure of leadership( greed, tyranny, loss of focus) Overextension (excessive conquests beyond state’s capability) Lack of conquests (inactivity erodes military base faith in ideology) Rebellions or invasions (internal or external challenges to pwr) Internal Rebellions occurred in 343 BCE when Phoenicia, Asia Minor Cyprus declared themselves indep. Extreme punishments persecutions were imposed on Egypt for supporting various rebellions of neighboring kingdoms. The conquests of Alexander the Great against King Darius III at the Battles of -Granicus (334 BC) -Issus (332 BC) -Gaugamela (331 BC) No local religions You MUST be Persian People start rebelling ^ Empire falls apart Alexander takes over