Thursday, February 27, 2020

Diddy - Dirty Money - Coming Home ft. Skylar Grey Essay

Diddy - Dirty Money - Coming Home ft. Skylar Grey - Essay Example It tells the story of a person who has made many mistakes in life and has under gone various difficulties in life, and at the end of the day, he realizes that he needs a fresh star to hi life. The person is thus left with the choice of going back home to rebuild his life and start all over a new. The song captures this troubled past of the singer when she sings, â€Å"Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday. I know my kingdom awaits and they have forgiven my mistakes.† This clearly brings out the major theme of the song as forgiveness and the need to move on after under going a turbulent period in ones life. The song also talks about repentance and the need to forgive past mistakes. This is illustrated in the song where the singer asks his children to forgive him for not being there for them when they needed him most. He asks them to forgive him as he acknowledges that he was wrong. He blames this on his fame and fortunes that have led him to develop an alternative personality that is expected of him as a superstar, and this leads him to forget of his role as a father and husband. This is illustrated in the song when he raps, â€Å"Its easy to be Puff, but its harder to be Sean. If the twins asked me why I did not marry their mom, how would I respond?† he thus acknowledges that a new day begins by a new dawn, and that it was time he returned home to his loved ones to make up for the lost time and the mistakes that he may have made when he was away. The singer thus recognizes that a house is not a home, and he thus chooses to go back to his family to create a home. The song is meant to give hope to someone who is depressed in alls situation he or she is going through. It gives encouragement to the suppressed and points out that help is coming so no should ever give in life. It also encourages people to overcome their problems and seek to become

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Air Pollution Cause and Effects Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Air Pollution Cause and Effects - Research Paper Example It’s not healthy for those who are not sick or old too and the problem is not getting any better. Air pollution is also affecting the earth’s climate, causing it to warm. The consequences of this reality are far-reaching, cataclysmic and are happening now. Hundreds of coal-fired electric power plants and other smoke-stack industries along with hundreds of thousands of vehicles contribute to a significant public health problem by emitting the waste fumes produced by burning fossil fuels. Many studies have acknowledged that a wide array of undesirable health issues occur due to air pollution exposure including higher instances of respiratory illness, cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, atherosclerosis, emergency room trips and premature death. Exposure to the particulate matter found in air pollution has also been connected with low birth weights, birth defects and premature births. About 38 million kids are estimated to live in air polluted areas. Several types of ill nesses linked with air pollutants have risen dramatically the past 30 years. During that time, though the occurrences of death from childhood cancers have decreased considerably due to advances in medical science, the cancer incidence rates among children have gone up by a full third during that same period. â€Å"It is well known that children and infants are uniquely at risk from air pollution both because of physiological susceptibility and greater relative exposure.† (Gasping, 2011). For example, children breathe more air and inhale more pollution as a ratio of body weight as compared to adults. In addition, children play outside much more than adults. And, because their smaller bodies are still developing, kids are more vulnerable to the health problems caused by poisons in the air, principally cancers and reproductive issues which they and their children will suffer with later on in life. In addition, children have a longer life expectancy than their parents therefore h ave a better chance to develop illness from exposure to air pollutant toxins during their lifetime. (Gasping, 2011). Simply but factually stated, air pollution is causing the earth’s climate to change. Greenhouses gasses such as carbon dioxide, the most prevalent pollutant, are warming the earth. Basically, the greenhouse effect occurs by this method: When sunlight penetrates the atmosphere and strikes the surface of the earth not all solar energy from the sun is absorbed. Roughly a third of this energy it is bounced back into space. When living creatures exhale they emit carbon dioxide, it occurs naturally. The amount of naturally occurring carbon dioxide maintains a delicate balance with other forces of nature allowing one-third of energy to escape which has kept the earth’s climate fairly stable for thousands of years. Air pollution gases functions the same way as greenhouse glass, allowing sunlight to enter but retaining the solar heat. Tons of supplemental man-mad e gases being added to the atmosphere during the past century has produced a much thicker layer of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than normal trapping more solar energy and allowing less to escape. â€Å"In the past 150 years, such activities have pumped enough carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to raise its levels higher than they have been for hundreds of thousands of years.† (â€Å"Air pollution,† 1999). This preventable set of circumstances is making the earth warmer by the year. Lesser known but just